Urban Resilience: an Ohio City Adapts to a Century of Disasters
Dayton, Ohio, has had a history of setbacks and tough challenges, but also of community perseverance and civic innovation.
Dayton, Ohio, has had a history of setbacks and tough challenges, but also of community perseverance and civic innovation.
For communities seeking to be more age-friendly, the Coronavirus pandemic is a grim reminder that older adults are not a monolithic group. They differ in life experiences, cultural backgrounds, health histories, economic circumstances, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Because of this, older adults are affected differently by the virus and will inequitably feel its repercussions.
A healthy environment matters for all of us, but environmental conditions are not experienced in the same way everywhere. For decades, some communities have disproportionately felt the impact of a harmful environment, and that inequity has contributed to lasting legacies of poor health.
Cities and nonprofit groups are finding innovative approaches to increase the use of solar energy, often working with utilities to encourage community members to install solar. They have also worked to make it easier to use solar energy.
The author and Brandeis University professor discusses his extensive research and writing on civic innovation, sustainability and democratic governance with National Civic Review contributing editor Albert Dzur.
When news organizations help people connect to issues and their community, it strengthens democracy and has the potential to create more trust in the media. In return, reporters often get stories rich in nuance, with far different angles than they would have gotten without listening to people first.
The Coronavirus pandemic has brought new levels of crisis to issues ranging from urban inequality to disparate healthcare access to housing and economic security. The crisis has highlighted the fact that America has yet to come to terms with its urban reality and the centrality of our cities to our future success.
Security is a prerequisite for human survival and essential to our well-being. When basic needs, such as access to food and shelter, are threatened, our ability to lead healthy lives is undercut.
How a group of residents started a conversation that led to the creation of a new Colorado county.