The mission of the National Civic League is to advance inclusive civic engagement and promote innovations in democracy to make decision-making more participatory, equitable, and effective.

Transforming Democracy

Democracy must evolve if it is going to survive. The design of our public institutions dates to the early 20th Century and doesn’t facilitate collaboration between officials and residents. We need forms of democracy to meet today’s expectations and challenges.

The National Civic League led this kind of transformation in democracy before and we are positioned to do it again.

Today, we are leading this democratic transformation in several ways:

Our Vision

The National Civic League envisions a nation with a healthy democracy, built on equitable, engaged, thriving communities

How We Help

We advance expansive civic engagement through recognition programs, research and publications, community assistance, and our Center for Democracy Innovation.

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Civic Engagement

We believe that inclusive civic engagement and belonging leads to greater trust and better outcomes.

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