Community Dialogues with On the Table

April 19, 2018

The Chicago Community Trust’s annual region-wide civic engagement initiative On the Table has provided an annual forum for tens of thousands of Chicagoans to engage in meaningful conversation, develop new relationships and inspire action to make a difference in communities.

Infusing Engagement in City Planning and Visioning

February 22, 2018

In this webinar, National Civic League Fellow, Larry Schooler, will discuss two engagement projects he managed, Imagine Austin and Our Vision Fort Lauderdale.

Infusing Equity in City Government – How and Where

January 23, 2018

Equity is becoming an important part in government operations and services, but how and where can a city government begin? In this webinar, National Civic League fellow Dante James will share a list of examples for how to begin to infuse equity throughout city government.

2018 All-America City Application Tips

January 17, 2018

Learn more about the application guidelines and criteria for the 2018 All-America City Award. Somerville, Massachusetts' Deputy Communications Director, Jackie Rossetti, joined to provide insight and tips from a previous winner.

Building Equity in Parks and Recreation

November 29, 2017

In this webinar, participants will learn how parks and recreation systems can be transformed by using an equity lens. In Minnesota, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has used equity to decide how resources and improvements are made.

The Power of Libraries to Foster Inclusive Civic Engagement

November 8, 2017

In communities of every size, public libraries provide leadership, information, tools, and a place where people connect to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of active civic engagement. Presenters include Chris Becker, Senior Consultant for the Urban Libraries Council and Sheila Umberger, Director of Libraries for Roanoke, Virginia

Inclusive Civic Engagement Practices

October 9, 2017

Learn from Seattle, Washington; Dubuque, Iowa; and Lakewood, Colorado on their strategies for inclusive civic engagement and how you can adapt them for your community. 

Racial Equity and Healing

October 5, 2017

The Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) enterprise of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change in our society, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism.

Community Policing

April 1, 2017

Learn from All-America City winner Columbia Heights, Minnesota and from Sean Smoot, a 21st Century Policing Consultant, on community policing strategies. 

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