
Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map

Democracy Lives. We the people are improving it. Action required. Keep it healthy.

The Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map is the first comprehensive look at the universe of organizations promoting healthy democracy in America.

The Map can help you make connections, invest your time and resources, and increase the impact of your work.



The Map can help you forge connections inside and outside the ecosystem.

Directly Engages Citizens


The Map can help you decide how to make strategic contributions.

Community Leaders

Community Leaders

The Map can help you better understand your community's civic infrastructure and decide how to make high-leverage contributions.

The American People

The American People

We hope the Map gives you hope—inspiring you to get engaged in your community and contribute to democracy.

Explore All Fifty States (and D.C.) on the Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map!

It includes groups working on a wide range of priorities, including: service and volunteering, civic learning, voter engagement, civic media, deliberation and participation, electoral reform, organizing, connecting across differences, and civic technology. More states, data, and filter functionality coming soon!

The U.S. Democracy Hub complements this Map by providing extensive financial data on foundations and nonprofit organizations.

7,749 Groups Mapped

17 Major Networks/Coalitions

57 Healthy Democracy Goals

Building the Map

We worked with hundreds of civic leaders to gather data for the Map.

Increase Americans' hope

How did my group get on the Map?

Your organization is doing great work to strengthen democracy in America.

Promotes Relationships

Where did the data come from?

Originally from the IRS 990 data file (public info, listing all nonprofits) or from lists provided by networks and hubs in the field.

Facilitates Interactions

How do I get my group on the Map?

Use this form to add data about your organization.

Use the Map to increase your impact


Invest in Democracy

Understand where to make contributions, find investors and funders, or gather better information for strategic decisions.


Make Alliances & Collaborate

Identify potential allies, share best practices, and explore possible mergers and collaborations.


Activate Citizens

Find organizations working to mobilize volunteers, register voters, connect across differences, or engage people in policymaking.


Build Better Civic Infrastructure

Find community and regional allies to increase social capital and strengthen civic infrastructure.


Create a Shared National Democracy Agenda

Collaborate with others to evolve the structures, processes, and culture of our democracy to meet the demands of the times and aspirations of our founders.