2020 AAC Letter of Intent Deadline is November 1, 2019

October 18, 2019

Submit a Letter of Intent to apply for the 2020 All-America City Awards by November 1st to receive $100 off your community's application fee.

What Would Teddy Do?

October 15, 2019

David Mathews, President of the Kettering Foundation, was a keynote speaker at the 2019 All-America City Awards and Event. His remarks centered around one of the National Civic League's Co-Founders, Theodore Roosevelt. Mathews posited that Theodore Roosevelt would immediately cancel the All-America City Awards. Mathews quipped that Teddy would replace the award with the All-America Failure Awards, given to cities that know how to fail successfully.

The Wise Collaborator: A New Ideal for Civic Decision-Making

October 7, 2019

How can we move public engagement beyond the dual limits of angry or apathetic? We need an ideal that brings out the best in human nature and manages or avoids the worst, which would be a significant shift from our current processes that seem to do the opposite. Could we train and engage members of the public to be wise collaborators?

A Conversation with John McKnight, Co-Founder of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute

October 7, 2019

John McKnight, co-founder and co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University, is interviewed by Albert Dzur, a distinguished research professor at Bowling Green State University.

Decatur, Georgia: Building a Culture of Community Engagement

October 7, 2019

Community-based planning takes time and effort, but the time and effort are going to be spent one way or the other, either working with the public up front or having to overcome anger and mistrust because the community was not involved in the first place.

Reclaiming Well-Being in America: the vital conditions that make people and places healthier and more resilient

October 4, 2019

Across the nation, communities are convening diverse groups of residents to build trust across lines that too-oft divide and taking shared actions as “stewards of the future” to improve health and well-being for all. At the heart of this mission, are seven “vital conditions” that are essential for the sustained well-being of people and place.

A Vital Condition to Well-Being: Reliable Transportation

October 4, 2019

Access to safe, sustainable transportation is often underestimated as an ingredient of well-being. Bike lanes and safe, walkable streets, reliable and energy-and cost-efficient public transit and innovative transportation infrastructure promise a safer, healthier and more economically sound future for all.

Can Liberal Arts Colleges Aid Local Problem Solving?

October 4, 2019

Equipping students to facilitate community deliberations bridges chasms between higher education and local neighborhoods, offering students an access point into community development in a more robust way than most service learning opportunities.

Public Art and the Art of Public Participation

October 4, 2019

Public art plays an invaluable role in the process of community building. Not only does it establish and beautify public spaces, it expresses and supports a sense of neighborhood history, culture and identity and helps drive economic vitality. One aspect of increasing interest is participatory public art, in which the public plays an active role rather than merely being appreciative viewers.

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