Newark, New Jersey: Using Community Engagement to Improve Public Safety

January 8, 2025

National crime rates in most urban areas have fallen considerably since the 1990s, but some cities have experienced greater improvements in public safety than others. One of those cities is Newark, New Jersey, where innovative community engagement strategies have helped make a difference in reducing the rate of crime.

Civic Engagement Success Story: Alameda County, Oakland and COVID 19

April 16, 2024

By involving community leaders in decision-making, health officials in Alameda County, CA, were able to build trusting relationships with vulnerable populations. Among the results were lower than average death rates and higher than average rates of vaccination.

Innovation and Community Involvement to Advance Solar Energy

July 9, 2020

Cities and nonprofit groups are finding innovative approaches to increase the use of solar energy, often working with utilities to encourage community members to install solar. They have also worked to make it easier to use solar energy.

Building Civic Capital for Health and Well-Being: Seven Ingredients for Your Community

July 15, 2019

The ability of communities to create long-term health and well-being depends on the formal and informal relationships, networks and capacities that communities use to make decisions collaboratively and solve problems.

Building and Measuring Civic Capital—the Capacity of a Community to Solve Problems and Thrive

January 23, 2019

Communities are more likely to thrive when residents, businesses, and other stakeholders play active roles in shaping decisions and taking action. The notion that “government cannot do it alone” was an important part of de Tocqueville’s message, and it is increasingly evident in times of limited resources.

Civic Engagement for Environmental Sustainability

September 17, 2018

A growing number of communities are finding new ways to fully engage residents in efforts to promote sustainability, enhance livability and reduce the local ecological footprint.

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