SolSmart: 100 Communities “Open for Solar Business”

November 10, 2017

In only 18 months since launching, the SolSmart program is celebrating a major milestone: 100 Communities throughout the United States have distinguished themselves as “open for solar business” by meeting...

Maricopa County, AZ Improves Business Opportunities with SolSmart Designation

September 14, 2017

SolSmart provides recognition and no-cost technical assistance to help local governments reduce barriers to solar energy growth. With the help  of national and local experts, cities, counties, and towns are...

Charleston County, SC Shines with SolSmart Project

August 15, 2017

The National Civic League’s focus on civic engagement and environmental sustainability led to engagement with the national SolSmart project. SolSmart is a new national designation program, funded by the U.S....

National Civic League Partners with ICMA on Major, Nationwide Solar Energy Initiative

October 26, 2015

The National Civic League is proud to announce our partnership with ICMA (the International City/County Management Association) to help establish a national recognition program to energize local solar marketplaces.  The SPARC program – Solar Powering America by...


August 12, 2014

From Oakland has earthquakes, droughts and a host of other resilience problems to tackle. Now it has a Chief Resilience Officer to lead the charge. Today, Oakland Mayor Jean...

Searching for Fiscal Sustainability

May 17, 2012

The spring 2012 issue of the National Civic Review (101:1) focuses on the successes of four government entities in Southern California—two cities, a county and a school district—in adapting to...

Reviving Route 40: Lakewood, Colorado

July 8, 2011

This is my latest post on the State of the Re: Union Website...

Offsetting Emissions

June 14, 2011

We got this e-mail from Virginia in the Dedham delegation: “I thought you might also find this news worthy. The Town of Dedham is offsetting our carbon emissions for the...

Dedham’s All-America Stories Video

June 3, 2011

This video about “green” schools in Dedham, Massachusetts is their entry in the video contest. Click here and go to our Facebook video page to vote for the video by...

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