SolSmart: 100 Communities “Open for Solar Business”

In only 18 months since launching, the SolSmart program is celebrating a major milestone: 100 Communities throughout the United States have distinguished themselves as “open for solar business” by meeting important process and performance criteria in eight categories. Depending on the number and types of supportive solar practices instituted, these communities are designated SolSmart Bronze, Silver, or Gold.

On October 23rd, as part of the 103rd ICMA Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, 73 of these SolSmart communities received Special Recognition Awards for truly stellar performance within the program – earning more than 60% of the credits available in at least one of the criteria categories.

(The 20 communities in bold were recognized for this level of accomplishment in multiple categories.)

Adams County, CO; Chapel Hill, NC; Cupertino, CA; Edmonds, WA; Fremont, CA; Jefferson County, COKansas City, MO; Madison, WI; New York City, NY; Saint Paul, MN; Santa Monica, CA; Somerville, MA; Sonoma County, CA

Carrboro, NC; Chicago, IL; Eau Claire, WI; Hartford, CT; Indianapolis, IN; Lafayette, CO; Linn County, IA; Minneapolis, MN; New York City, NY; Pima County, AZ; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; San Carlos, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Sonoma County, CA; Ypsilanti, MI

Adams County, CO; Charleston County, SC; Chicago, IL; Claremont, CA; Columbia, MO; Contra Costa County, CA; Coventry, CT; Davis, CA; Goshen, IN; Hillsboro, OR; Jefferson County, CO; Kansas City, MO; Lafayette, CO; Linn County, IA; Louisville, KY; Miami-Dade County, FL; Palm Beach County, FL; Pima County, AZ; Plano, TX; Redwood City, CA; Redwood City, CA; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; San Carlos, CA; San Diego County, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Santa Rosa, CA; Satellite Beach, FL; Somerville, MA; Sonoma County, CA; Summit County, UT; Washington, DC

Burlington, VT; Columbia, MO; Missoula, MT; Plano, TX; Salt Lake City, UT

Minneapolis, MN

Columbia, MO; Eau Claire, WI; Lafayette, CO; Minneapolis, MN; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; Washington, DC

Cambridge, MA; Eau Claire, WI; New York City, NY; San Antonio, TX; Urbana, IL; Washington, DC; Ypsilanti, MI

Austin, TX; Boulder, CO; Boulder, CO; Lafayette, CO; Marin County, CA; New York City, NY; San Antonio, TX; San Francisco, CA; Sonoma County, CA

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