Overcoming Polarization through Education and Engagement

February 28, 2022

Political polarization has been on the rise for decades and it’s limiting our ability to address some of the vexing problems of our time. Differences of opinion on policy issues...

A Look Back: LBJ on Local Leadership, Supreme Court Appointments and Other Topics

February 28, 2022

“When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself it could be worse. I could be a mayor.” –President Lyndon B. Johnson. LBJ was not only...

“The most important political office is that of the private citizen.” -Louis D. Brandeis

February 1, 2022

As our nation prepares to consider the nomination of a Supreme Court justice, I spent some time reviewing some of the views of one of the League’s founders, Justice Louis...

The Pforzheimer Family and Fellowship Program: A Legacy of Service

January 28, 2022

Seldom has one family been as strong a force for democracy across three generations as the Pforzheimer family of New York. A long-time supporter of the League, the Pforzheimer family...

“Enhancing the Equity and Inclusiveness of Age-friendly Initiatives” Receives Funding from NextFifty Initiative

January 28, 2022

The National Civic League’s program, “Enhancing the Equity and Inclusiveness of Age-friendly Initiatives”, has received an additional round of funding from NextFifty Initiative, a Colorado-based foundation that supports efforts to...

The National Day of Racial Healing’s Call for Action: Trading the ‘Racial Zero-Sum’ for the ‘Solidarity Dividend’

January 27, 2022

On January 18 the W.K. Kellogg Foundation hosted the sixth annual National Day of Racial Healing, a virtual event organized to uplift personal and communal narratives, celebrate community, and promote...

Assessing Atlanta’s Neighborhood-Based Planning System

January 27, 2022

Empowering neighborhood groups and de-centralized planning structures is one strategy that cities use to promote equitable civic engagement. But how effective are these structures? Critics often point out that neighborhood...

Safeguarding Elections through Advocacy and Reform

January 2, 2022

As chronicled by organizations such as the Brennan Center for Justice and Voting Rights Lab, 2021 saw more legislation introduced pertaining to voting rights and election administration than ever before....

National Civic League: 2021 in Review

December 30, 2021

2021 was the year that we all began the slow, often stilted, recovery from the pandemic. There was no victory over the pandemic day where crowds celebrated in the streets,...

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