Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation: Creating Public Sentiment

November 5, 2017

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has called for citizens of the United States to end the belief that race determines one’s value in the society and introduced a multi-sector approach to transform the nation grounded in the fundamental truth that all are created equal.

Is Talk Cheap? Dialogue, Diversity and Our Economic Future

November 5, 2017

Creating regional conversations can actually forge new solutions to economic, environmental, and social problems, but to excel, communities should ground discussions in data, face racial disparities and expect “principled con-flict” along the way.

Advancing Racial Equity: Strategic Interventions Using the Leverage and Power of Local Public Health Departments

November 5, 2017

Health department employees in New York, California and Wisconsin are learning how structural racism affects health outcomes and using a racial equity lens to address race when examining policies and practices.

Beyond Financial Inclusion

November 5, 2017

Mission Asset Fund learned from immigrant families and developed Lending Circles – a strategy deeply inte-grated in their clients’ lives – to improve these families’ financial footing and help them realize their full economic potential.

Building Trust in the Heart of Community

November 5, 2017

Once the capital of the Confederacy, Richmond, Virginia, in recent decades has been home to dialogues about his-tory and race, and residents and leaders have worked to build trust to transform the city and become a light for the nation.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: A Reckoning with Government- Sponsored Segregation in the 21st Century

November 5, 2017

A requirement that the government “affirmatively further fair housing” had been an ignored provision of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, but the Obama-era guidelines may play a significant role in reversing decades of segregated neighborhoods that shape access to opportunity.

Local Governments Hiring Chief Diversity Officers to Lead Equity and Inclusion Work

November 5, 2017

Taking a cue from corporate America and higher education, mayors and city managers are finding new ways of increasing employee diversity and adopting equitable policies to better reflect and serve their communities.

The Community Response: An Excerpt from the Kerner Commission Report

November 5, 2017

In this chapter addressing local government, the Kerner Commission noted that a lack of communication and the absence of regular contacts with residents prevent city leaders from learning about problems as they develop, resulting in growing tensions and inadequate responses. Paired with a reflection guide.

Trust and Transformation: Building Health Equity in San Diego

November 5, 2017

How public health advocates are working with African-American pastors to overcome social barriers and promote a heart-healthy community.

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