Can Journalists Use New Technologies to Build a Trusting, Sustaining Relationship with their Audiences?

December 21, 2023

To address financial sustainability and counteract public skepticism about the press’ objectivity, some news platforms are experimenting with new technologies like Blockchain, and leaning on public engagement, particularly dialogue and listening campaigns.

Democracy Innovations on Capitol Hill: Report from the first annual international Legislators’ Forum on Innovations in Democracy

April 16, 2023

At a meeting of lawmakers from around the world, participants shared findings and stories from their work to engage community members in more productive, civil, and meaningful ways.

What we Have Learned from Public Engagement on Race and Equity

January 5, 2022

Race has played a key role in the development of public engagement practices in the U.S., not just on issues relating directly to cultural identity but in engagement on education, policing, immigration, health, budgeting, and many other priorities.

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