Our Democracy Is in Serious Trouble: It Needs to Be Reinvented

April 9, 2021

A strategy of people working with our governing institutions requires citizens who are seen, and who see themselves, as producers not just constituents and consumers. Americans don’t lack the ability to do it, but many of our institutions have little experience working with citizens as other than volunteers.

What Would Teddy Do?

October 15, 2019

David Mathews, President of the Kettering Foundation, was a keynote speaker at the 2019 All-America City Awards and Event. His remarks centered around one of the National Civic League's Co-Founders, Theodore Roosevelt. Mathews posited that Theodore Roosevelt would immediately cancel the All-America City Awards. Mathews quipped that Teddy would replace the award with the All-America Failure Awards, given to cities that know how to fail successfully.

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