The League’s Commitment to Strengthening Democracy and Local Governance
The results of this year’s elections remind us that we are a diverse nation, made up of not just red and blue states, but also blue and red dots within...
The results of this year’s elections remind us that we are a diverse nation, made up of not just red and blue states, but also blue and red dots within...
Worried about the results from the national elections on November 5? Have no fear, the local work in the trenches of our communities will continue to address broad issues of...
Cities and counties are weathering the storms of the campaign season and this week’s elections, working to encourage voting, assure election integrity and safety, and battle misinformation. Above all, local...
“We help communities face division.” With that statement, Carl Smallwood of the Divided Communities Project kicked off a three-day academy on mediating conflicts at Stanford University in mid-September. During the...