Tag: COVID-19

Is Civic Capital the Key to Combating Coronaviruses?

October 1, 2021

Several studies have shown that countries with greater public trust, equity and social capital have had fewer deaths from COVID-19. These are three ingredients of civic capital, a community’s capacity...

Dallas Police Reform, Equity Work Showing Results

June 23, 2020

One of the bright spots for police reform and racial equity over the past several years is Dallas, Texas. Much of this reform and attention to racial equity followed the...

Webinar Recap and Resources: Social Distancing Meets Public Engagement

April 29, 2020

We know in these unprecedented times, navigating public engagement work has never-seen-before challenges while people all over the world are having to physically distance to lessen the further spread of...

COVID-19 Highlighting the Need to Combat Social Isolation

April 29, 2020

Will the nation’s experience with social isolation during COVD-19 make people more empathetic to the social isolation experienced regularly by many people, and especially older adults? Some cities have recognized...

The New, New Federalism

April 29, 2020

In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson argued that not every difference of opinion was a difference of principle. “We have called by different names brethren of the same principle,”...

COVID-19: Resources for Individuals and Governments

March 30, 2020

As the world grapples with how to respond to this growing pandemic, individuals and organizations are racing to work together and combat the impact of COVID-19 and its further spread....

Beyond Town Hall: Public Engagement in a Time of Crisis

March 27, 2020

City leaders are grappling with the unimaginable—the protection of their entire community from a threat the likes of which many of us have never seen.  Amid all this chaos, we...

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