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New Horizons High School
Many of the 270+ students at New Horizons H.S. have encountered life events that make the traditional high school model challenging. Staff is intentional about how it can remove barriers for students, including childcare, food, and health education.
Project Summary:
The Graduation Reality and Dual-Roles Skills (GRAD) Program provides students, with children ranging from four-weeks to kindergarten, access to childcare provided by trained staff. The childcare program promotes consistency and peace of mind for students concerning the safety and health of their children. Additionally, students in the Pasco School District boundaries can access a school bus with car seats installed to help with transportation.
The school added to these services the Phoenix Food Pantry which offers food and supplies to students. The items are provided from individuals and organizations throughout the community, such as local churches and schools. Second Harvest, whose mission is fighting hunger and feeding hope, also began contributing to the food pantry and greatly increased the amount of food provided to students. Tri-Cities Diaper Bank is also a partner of the food bank and provides diapers to needy families.
New Horizons is now co-located on the campus of Columbia Basin College, providing the ability to integrate high school students into the college setting. The schools have found that the need for food and other supplies follows students from high school to college and have partnered to help these students continue to get necessary supplies.
Engagement Strategies:
Additional Resources:
Pasco, WA- 2019 AAC Finalist: Presentation
Local Contact:
Jacqueline Brewster
Phoenix Pantry Coordinator,
New Horizons High School
[email protected]