The results of this year’s elections remind us that we are a diverse nation, made up of not just red and blue states, but also blue and red dots within those states. Collectively, we have always been a loose-knit republic with a variety of viewpoints. At the same time, we are still the United States, and our common belief in the value of democracy is our strength, even if we have varying perspectives on the term.
We also share a commitment to federalism, the system created by our founders in which most powers are reserved to the states, within which local governments implement policies that best reflect the interests of their community members.
As we move forward from a divisive election, the National Civic League will continue its work to safeguard and strengthen democracy and the rights of cities and states to set their own priorities, within a national framework of freedom, justice, and equal protection. We will also work with our thousands of peer organizations to promote professional, inclusive governance in which the voices and rights of all the members of our communities are heard and respected.
Thank you for your continued commitment to protecting and enhancing our democracy.
Doug Linkhart
National Civic League