The spring 2015 issue of the National Civic Review is out and its focus is on community engagement and education. The lead article is on Marshalltown, Iowa (AAC 2012) and the community’s efforts to address the education needs of kids in a changing demographic and economic environment. The idea came to us when we looked back at Marshalltown’s three applications for AAC in four years and realized how many different ways they were approaching education, from teaching immigrant kids water safety to a comprehensive neighborhood collaboration focused on a single elementary school. The NCR issue also has articles adapted from Kettering Foundation reports and publication addressing the achievement gap between educational haves and have-nots and challenges associated with public engagement and the work of schools districts. Patricia Moore Harbour writes about communities as resources for schools and Bob Cornett writes on the need for human logic in in education. Joanna Geller of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform has an article about place-based initiatives and education.