Beyond Distrust
In September of 2015, the Pew Research Center published a report on public trust in government institutions. “A year ahead of the presidential election, the American public is deeply cynical about government, politics, and the nation’s elected leaders in a way that has become quite familiar,” the report begins.
Young Voices at the Ballot Box
Most would agree that American democracy needs a shot in the arm. Around 60 percent of eligible citizens usually vote for president, fewer than 25 percent vote in most Mayoral elections, and public trust in government is at an historic low.
Establishing a Pattern of Healthy Lifestyles in Asheboro, North Carolina
A community rallies to ensure that families hard pressed by reduced wages or unemployment would have the tools necessary to support a healthy and successful lifestyle for their children. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.
All-America Conversations: Bridging Divides, Building Community
The National Civic League is challenging communities to hold “All-America Conversations” as a way of exploring local divides and tensions and identifying specic actions to bridge those divides. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.
D for Deterioration: The High Cost of Low Infrastructure Spending
Congested highways, overflowing sewers, and corroding bridges, are constant reminders of the looming infrastructure crisis that jeopardizes our nation’s economic prosperity as well as the quality for our life of our citizens. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.
Building and Maintaining Solid Infrastructure in the Town of Gilbert
Faced with faced the prospect of a glut of infrastructure repair and replacement bills coming due at once, an Arizona community developed a new planning and forecasting process to reveal the resource gaps the town would need to address. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.
The City of Boulder and Recreational Marijuana: Forecasting Under Extreme Uncertainty
A Colorado city is attempting to come to grips with an assortment of nancial planning issues related to marijuana legalization that were without precedent in the United States and, in fact, the rest of the world. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.
What Pittsburgh Is Doing to Ensure Every Child Has a Fighting Chance to Succeed
As a community, Pittsburgh has identified the systemic barriers are preventing students from attending school regularly and engaged a range of stakeholders and partners in strategies to remove them. Become a member to read full articles like this one in the National Civic Review.