Spring 2018: Volume 107, Issue 1

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At A Glance

The National Civic Review, the quarterly journal of the National Civic League, is one of the nation’s oldest civic affairs journals. Its case studies, reports, interviews and essays help communities learn about the latest developments in collaborative problems-solving, civic engagement, local government innovation and democratic governance.

August 14, 2018 MULTIPLE AUTHORS

Exploring the Relationship Between Sustainability and Collaboration: Evidence from All-America City Applications

In analyzing the applications for All-America status, the authors found an evolution in the understanding and scope of sustainability and changing conceptions and ways of implementing collaborative problem-solving efforts.


Learning How Citizens Impact Education

Schools can’t educate students by themselves. It takes all the skills and resources of a community to do the job. Citizen initiatives are different from more formal youth development and youth services programs. They are organic grassroots enterprises that arise in direct response to local education values, problems, and life skill developments.

August 14, 2018 ROGER L. KEMP

Police-Community Relations and Services Are Changing in a Positive Way in Cities Throughout America

Evolving ideas about “best practices” are highlighted in this article about changes in the policies and practice of police departments.

August 14, 2018 SHAYNE KAVANAGH

A Framework for Fiscal Sustainability

With the help of a group of researchers, the Government Finance Officers Association has developed a frame-work for fiscal policy-making at the local level based on Elinor Ostrom’s Nobel Prize-winning theories about the sustainable consumption of finite, common pool resources.

August 14, 2018 MARTIN CARCASSON

Why Process Matters: Democracy and Human Nature

Providing opportunities for people to express their opinions is only the first step in efforts to address difficult community problems. We also need our public processes to allow people to develop mutual under-standing and trust. We need processes that help us elevate quality arguments and expose weak or manipulative ones.

August 14, 2018 LARRY SCHOOLER

You’re On The Air!: How Government Access Television Enhances Public Engagement

Austin, Texas, is using television to scale-up public participation in ways that are more cost-effective and less labor-intensive than other public engagement methods.

August 14, 2018 RUSSELL WEAVER

Exploring the Elements of Social Capital: Leverage Points and Creative Measurement Strategies for Community Building and Program Evaluation

The term “social capital” has no universally accepted meaning. It is up to its users to add new meanings and interpretations to our collective understanding of this very useful community-building concept.

August 14, 2018 ALBERT DZUR

An Interview with Kimball Payne, City Manager of Lynchburg, Virginia

The death of an African-American in police custody led to a community dialogue and, ultimately, to the development of efforts to engage the public in problem-solving and decision-making.

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