Let me introduce myself. I’m Tanja Aitamurto, a journalist and a media producer.
I have worked with National Civic League in planning the All-America Story video contest and this blog that you are reading right now.
I share my time between California and Finland, my country of origin. More about me here.
I’m very excited to see how responsive, committed and enthusiastic the All-America City Award community is. We have already gotten an awesome amount of pictures, videos and other interactions that we have published on the blog. Thank you all! Without you the blog wouldn’t be what it is now.
Over the next three exciting days I will be documenting the All-America City Award event in Kansas City–shooting video, asking questions and taking pictures of the All-America City finalists. I will post the videos and pictures on the blog.
I look forward to hearing your stories, and getting comments from you, dear readers either back at home or here in Kansas City. Please let me know the most interesting people to be interviewed and what I should ask them!