The All-America Stories video contest if off to a rousing start. We now have seven videos posted on our Facebook video page.
(Late breaking update! We now have a submission from Ann Arbor, so that makes eight.
So far it is a close race between Torrance with 227 votes and Fayetteville with 151 votes. I just heard that Torrance took out an ad in the Daily Breeze asking people vote (like) their video. That is going to make Torrance a tough contender.
Also in the running are Cottonwood Heights, Fort Worth, Beloit, Buffalo and Dedham.
To look at the videos and to vote, go to our Facebook video page here. Click on the video to watch and then click on the word “Like” displayed below the video. Make sure you are saying you “like” the video and not someone’s comment on the video. It’s a little confusing, but it’s not that hard.
As we’ve noted before. This is something we do for fun. Everybody seems to like video and we try to get our new media/social networking going with the contest. Tell everybody you know to vote for their favorite video.