Center for Democracy Innovation

Welcome to the 2022 All-America City Award Virtual Event!

These finalists are being recognized for improving the prospects for early school success and equitable learning recovery, including for children whose families are served by the nation’s public housing agencies and affordable housing organizations.

2022 All-America City Award Finalists
in alphabetical order by city
Alliance, OH
Atlanta, GA
Barberton, OH
Chicago, IL
Des Moines, IA
El Paso, TX
Kansas City, MO
Los Angeles, CA
Louisville, KY
Metro Omaha, NE
New Haven, CT
Palacios, TX
Phoenix, AZ
Portland, ME
Roanoke, VA
Sacramento, CA
San Antonio, TX
Springfield, MA
Suncoast Region, FL
Tarpon Springs, FL

These finalists will be presenting their work to a jury of nationally recognized civic leaders. View the complete presentation schedule in the program or navigate to the ‘agenda’ tab of the event platform.  

About the Event

This year’s virtual event will include community presentations, participant roundtables, inspiring speakers, interactive booths and entertaining talent showcases from across the country. Navigate along the event platform menu to access offerings or download the event program.

All workshops and roundtables will take place over zoom, with specific access instructions found in the agenda. You can register for workshops, ceremonies and keynotes speeches on the agenda page and watch finalist presentations on Facebook. Email [email protected] if you experience any difficulties joining a session.

Keynote Speakers

  • Adrianne Todman, Deputy Secretary , U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Adrianne Todman is the 12th Deputy Secretary of HUD. She has dedicated her career to improving people’s lives and strengthening communities through housing.

  • Steve Adler

    City of Austin, Texas

    Steve Adler is Austin’s 52nd Mayor, having won re-election in 2018 by 40 points in a field of 8 candidates. His top priorities include mobility, affordability, and equity.

  • Sharon L. Davies, J.D.
    President and CEO
    Kettering Foundation

    Davies’ career experiences span both academic and non-academic fields. From 2017-2021, Davies was provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Spelman College.

2022 Award

Housing as a Platform to Promote Early School Success and Equitable Learning Recovery

The 2022 AAC Awards will recognize communities that have committed to improving the prospects for early school success and equitable learning recovery, including for children whose families are served by the nation’s public housing agencies and affordable housing organizations.

During the past 18 months, the closure of schools, early childhood programs and child care centers in response to COVID-19 was a significant setback for all children’s early school success. The adverse impact has been disproportionately devastating, however, for children of economically challenged, fragile, and marginalized families. Left unattended, learning loss of this scale and magnitude could further compromise the prospects for a generation of children whose future already is at risk.

Public housing and affordable housing programs are high-potential platforms for regaining momentum for early school success and for accelerating equitable learning recovery. Public housing authorities and affordable housing organizations can serve as focal points that bring together public, corporate and community-level stakeholders to support children, adults and families using a system of 24/7/365 wraparound services and supports and a two-generation approach. Click here for statements by CGLR and the National Civic League on equity and early school success.

Areas of Focus Within the 2022 Theme

The 2022 AAC Awards will focus on robust efforts that seek measurable improvement around one or more of the following areas of focus:

  1. Digital equity (internet access, individual devices, technical assistance);
  2. Relational supports (tutors, mentors, coaches);
  3. Afterschool, summer and out-of-school learning opportunities;
  4. Transforming non-school places and spaces into learning-rich environments;
  5. Promoting school readiness, regular attendance and summer learning;
  6. Parents succeeding as essential partners in assuring the healthy development and early school success of their children; and
  7. Parents succeeding in their own journey toward sustainable self-sufficiency.