Winter 2016: Volume 105, Issue 4

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At A Glance

The National Civic Review, the quarterly journal of the National Civic League, is one of the nation’s oldest civic affairs journals. Its case studies, reports, interviews and essays help communities learn about the latest developments in collaborative problems-solving, civic engagement, local government innovation and democratic governance.

October 12, 2017 CARLA J. KIMBROUGH

Building Bridges

When Scott Nadeau was hired in 2008 as the Columbia Heights police chief, he brought a new perspective to the community that borders northeast Minneapolis. His ideas had been shaped through his work as a beat officer in another Minneapolis suburb and his experience as a big brother for the Big Brother, Big Sister program.

October 5, 2017 CELINA SU

Re-Engaging the Disenfranchised: Participatory Budgeting in the United States

Corin Mills, a young man from New York City, was not always confident in his ability to complete long-term projects, let alone attend college. He had dropped out of high school and served a brief jail sentence. Then, through an organization called Getting Out Staying Out, Mills became involved in participatory budgeting (PB)—a process in which community members, rather than elected officials, allocate public funds.

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