Fall 2016: Volume 105, Issue 3

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At A Glance

The National Civic Review, the quarterly journal of the National Civic League, is one of the nation’s oldest civic affairs journals. Its case studies, reports, interviews and essays help communities learn about the latest developments in collaborative problems-solving, civic engagement, local government innovation and democratic governance.


A Brief Interview with National Civic League President Doug Linkhart

Doug Linkhart joined the National Civic League as president in December 2015 to replace Gloria Rubio-Cortes, who served in that role with distinction for eight years. He served as an elected official for 18 years, having been a Colorado State Representative, Colorado State Senator, and Denver City Council member.

October 12, 2017 TIMOTHY J. SHAFFER

Looking Beyond Our Recent Past

Democratic theory, in the words of John Dryzek, took a “strong deliberative turn” in the 1990s (p. 1). What has emerged since that time has been a robust scholarly discussion about deliberative democracy and its theoretical dimensions, as well as the development and recognition of a field of practice that continues to develop.

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