Teens with a Purpose - The Youth Movement (TWP) began in 2007 as a non-profit for teens to help other teens. The mission is to create a platform to empower young people to use their voices, energy, creativity, and talents to demonstrate their power to effect personal change and positively impact the lives of others through the arts and humanities, peer-led programs, and special events. TWP creates a safe, nonjudgmental environment for self-expression and continues to promote healthy life choices. TWP’s programs strive to reduce at-risk behaviors, build healthy relationships, strengthen educational achievement, ignite a desire for personal growth and learning, and foster community engagement.
The Neighbors Building Neighborhoods (NBN) initiative was founded on the belief that sustainable change occurs when neighbors work together and take control of their neighborhoods. To support this paradigm shift, both residents and city staff received training on core NBN principles such inclusiveness and a focus on community strengths instead of weaknesses.