Summer 2016: Volume 105, Issue 2

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At A Glance

The National Civic Review, the quarterly journal of the National Civic League, is one of the nation’s oldest civic affairs journals. Its case studies, reports, interviews and essays help communities learn about the latest developments in collaborative problems-solving, civic engagement, local government innovation and democratic governance.

October 12, 2017 JOHN B. STEPHENS

Blogging for Community Engagement Learning—An Experiment

Blogs come in many flavors and are a primary information source for a growing portion of the citizenry. From Facebook personal notes to the social and political commentary of Huffington Post or, blogging often aims for reaction or for personal interests.

October 12, 2017 DAVID MATHEWS

Suggsville USA: A Composite Case Study of Democratic Practices in Communities

If the public that a democracy requires is a citizenry in-motion, a citizenry working together to solve common problems and create a better life, where can it be found? Xavier de Souza Briggs thinks it is in communities.

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